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ProntoLind® mouth rinsing solution for piercing care Contents: 250ml ProntoLind® Mouthwash Solution is ideal for promoting wound healing in tongue piercings. The solution is free of chlorhexidine, sugar and alcohol, is safe to use for a long time and does not discolor the teeth. It generally reduces bacterial inflammation such as periodontitis. Properties of Prontolind®: Prontolind® products are free of alcohol and phenols, free of organic mercury compounds and PVP iodine, are toxicologically harmless, do not require a pharmacy and positively support wound healing. Best dermatological compatibility: The ingredients of Prontolind® are not absorbed, are not cytotoxic, non-irritating, non-irritating and non-sensitizing. They do not cause allergic reactions, are painless to use and have been dermatologically assessed as harmless. The polyhexanide/betaine-based wound cleansing products have been used successfully and without side effects throughout Europe for 6 years. Properties of Prontolind®: Prondolind® is approved in accordance with the KVO, can be sold in studios, is safe and easy for customers to use at home and is subject to constant quality controls by independent, certified laboratories and clinics.
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